Car-Badly-Damaged-In-CrashA permanent injury will change your life forever, and you need to know how to protect your future. The experienced Missouri car accident lawyers at Beck & Beck understand what you are going through and will fight for your full and fair compensation.

Types of Permanent Injuries

A car accident may cause lasting injuries, such as:

Permanent injuries may be total disabilities if you are entirely disabled or partial disabilities if you lose the use of one or more body parts.

What Factors Impact the Settlement I Could Receive?

You deserve a fair financial recovery to pay for the past, current, and future financial impacts of a permanent car accident injury. Some of the factors that impact the damages you may recover in a Missouri car accident case include:

  •  Medical and hospital bills
  • Lost income
  • Necessary equipment to be able to live with the disability
  • Required home and vehicle modifications
  • Pain and suffering
  • The need for future care
  • Your ability to work
It can sometimes be challenging to identify and explain how the trauma of a vehicle crash has impacted your day-to-day life while you are living it. The lawyers at Beck & Beck only work on car accident cases and are experienced at helping auto accident victims value their cases for fair recoveries.

Gathering Evidence to Prove Your Case

It is crucial to present the most accurate and complete information possible when negotiating with insurance companies or presenting your case in court. Ideally, you would want to collect as much evidence as you can at the scene of the accident before moving yourself or your vehicle, but this may not be possible if you need to seek immediate medical attention or the scene of the crash is not a safe place for you to remain for other reasons. 

If possible, you want to gather:
  • Photographs of your injuries, the vehicles involved, and the location of the crash
  • Witness contact information
  • Your written account of what happened so that you remember details later 
  • A police report

Other evidence may also be essential to proving your claim. We will work through the legal discovery process to fully understand what happened in your accident so that we can fight for your just recovery.

Be Cautious About Who You Talk to About the Crash

As a general rule, you should not speak about the details of the accident or your injuries except with your doctor, lawyer, and closest caretakers. Insurance companies are for-profit companies looking for ways to deny your claim. Accordingly, anything you say to an insurance representative or post on social media may be taken out of context and used against you as you pursue a fair recovery.

How a Missouri Car Accident Lawyer at Beck & Beck Can Help You

You are already dealing with the stress of recovering from an automotive accident. Hiring Beck & Beck gives you:

  • An advocate who is familiar with Missouri's laws regarding vehicle crashes
  • A professional to examine the evidence, witness statements, and police reports, to establish liability, and to calculate what damages might be most appropriate to pursue
  • An experienced negotiator who will work with the insurance company toward a fair settlement
  • A legal representative to take your case to court should the need arise